Author: marwani

Omer bin Abdulaziz Al Marwani > Articles by: marwani
27 Mar

Different types of feasibility studies The economic feasibility studies are concerned with their important role in achieving optimal use and distribution of available economic…

27 Mar

All about Accounting Cycle What is the Accounting Cycle? The accounting cycle is the name used for the collective process to record and process…

27 Mar

Understanding the concept of bookkeeping Bookkeeping and its relationship to accounting Bookkeeping can be seen as the art of recording the financial operations of any…

27 Mar

5 Benefits of Daily Bookkeeping for Small Businesses Whether you have a big or small business, you need to be always updated with all your…

27 Mar

The importance of internal auditing The importance of internal auditing has increased with the expansion of the activities ‎carried out by the establishments, and their continuous…

27 Mar

FINANCIAL CONSULTANCY And ITS BENEFITS There are many rapid developments in the field of money and business, which leads to the need to try financial institutions…

27 Mar

FINANCIAL CONSULTANCY TYPES Consultancy is the result of practical and scientific experience gained in the short and long term. The practical experience is increased by increasing…

27 Mar

Elements of the feasibility study The Feasibility study has become a basic non-side material in the stage of the expansion or expansion of modern…

25 Feb

Whether you have a big or small business, you need to be always updated with all your financial records. Being always updated…

25 Feb

The Feasibility study has become a basic non-side material in the stage of the expansion or expansion of modern commercial projects. The…