In our financial statements audit, we undertake to gather evidence and provide a high level of assurance that the financial statements follow generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), international accounting standards (IASs) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as well.

has been developed for consistent execution in every internal audit practice around the world. The process is scalable and is underpinned by our risk assessment methodology.

Find out how accounting bookkeeping services give companies a flexible, scalable accounting solution that grows with their business

We efficiently deal with many forms of Financial Consultant Services and specialize in giving advice to clients on a wide range of subjects to assist with personal financial planning

Feasibility studies are an analysis of the practical and financial aspects of a proposed project, and at the concept stage it is essential to establish the project viability to help a client make a well-reasoned decision about whether to proceed or not.

Omer bin Abdulaziz Al Marwani Auditing & Accounting has a team of officially listed experts to whom judicial bodies and courts, in Qatar, refer financial case-related issues, and our firm has excelled in providing such type of services for morethan ten years